In His personal life Jesus prayed prayers of thanksgiving (Mark 6:41), praise (Matthew 11:25) and intercession (Luke 22:32). He prayed specifically to God regarding the relationship They had and the mission the Son was given by the Father. He prayed for the disciples and for all of us who believe on Him through their word. (John 17).
But, He didn't do all the praying for everybody. He taught His twelve disciples to pray (Luke 11), as well as all His followers (Matthew 6). His teaching about prayer was meant to be far more than a recitation of words. In Matthew 6, during the Sermon on the Mount, Jesus did not say "Pray this prayer," or "Pray these words." He said, rather, "After this manner therefore pray ye..."(Matthew 6:9 KJV). He was helping to develop how to pray--not just soliciting so many "Our Father's".
Our study of the teaching on prayer by Jesus will be more focused on the hows and whys--even ways (or manners)--not so much on words to use. To a large degree, the what to pray changes constantly--according to people, their needs and the answers we get from previous prayers.
The subjects we'll be covering are
* Eliminating hypocrisy in prayer,
* What is relationship prayer?
* What is participatory prayer?
* Persistence in prayer,
* Praying for His will,
* Praying in Jesus' name,
* Possibilities of prayer.
What are some questions you have about prayer?
What are the most outstanding answers to prayer you have had?
What are some areas in your praying that you feel you need the most help in?
Comment in the space below. Ask questions--in open comments or in private messages. I promise you will get a response.
But, He didn't do all the praying for everybody. He taught His twelve disciples to pray (Luke 11), as well as all His followers (Matthew 6). His teaching about prayer was meant to be far more than a recitation of words. In Matthew 6, during the Sermon on the Mount, Jesus did not say "Pray this prayer," or "Pray these words." He said, rather, "After this manner therefore pray ye..."(Matthew 6:9 KJV). He was helping to develop how to pray--not just soliciting so many "Our Father's".
Our study of the teaching on prayer by Jesus will be more focused on the hows and whys--even ways (or manners)--not so much on words to use. To a large degree, the what to pray changes constantly--according to people, their needs and the answers we get from previous prayers.
The subjects we'll be covering are
* Eliminating hypocrisy in prayer,
* What is relationship prayer?
* What is participatory prayer?
* Persistence in prayer,
* Praying for His will,
* Praying in Jesus' name,
* Possibilities of prayer.
What are some questions you have about prayer?
What are the most outstanding answers to prayer you have had?
What are some areas in your praying that you feel you need the most help in?
Comment in the space below. Ask questions--in open comments or in private messages. I promise you will get a response.
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