Monday, March 21, 2011


One side of Jesus' personal prayer habits, as we saw in earlier posts, was His public praying--giving thanks for daily bread.  There is no doubting His sincerity in giving thanks publicly.  His was no flowery delivery designed to impress the masses.  He devoted a large part of His Sermon on the Mount (Matthew 6:25-34) to recognizing that our needs will be met through God Who knows what our needs are, if we seek Him first.  Jesus was publicly offering thanks and, at the same time, was teaching by practicing what He preached.

Another area of Jesus' personal prayer habits was His private praying.  Praying in public can be an important part of worshiping with other Christians.  It can also be used by the Holy Spirit to bring conviction to the non-believer.  But public praying by people who do not spend time in private prayer will rarely be effective.

Luke recorded in Luke 22:31-32 that Jesus told Peter that He had prayed for him privately that his faith would not fail.  This came with Jesus knowing that Peter would deny Him (see 22:34).  How marvelous it is  to know that Jesus is praying for you!  Even today, "He always lives to intercede" for God's people (see Hebrews 7:25 NIV).

The gospels gave several characteristics regarding Jesus and His private praying.  Some of those were "on the mountain side (Matthew 14:23 and Mark 6:46), "alone" (Matthew 14:23b), "a solitary place" (Mark 1:35), "all night" (Luke 6:12) and "a little farther" (Matthew 26:39).

Occasionally, the gospel writers would combine some of these characteristics; i.e., "on a mountainside alone" (Matthew 14:23), or, in Luke 6:12, "He went out into a mountainside to pray, and continued all night in prayer to God." (KJV).  It has always been especially impressive and meaningful to me that when Jesus took His disciples (or some of them) with Him to pray, He is said to have gone "a little farther," and then He prayed privately.

Obviously, Jesus took His private prayer life seriously.

Lord, help me to take my prayer life seriously, too.  May I not just talk about it.  Forgive me for not making prayer more of a priority in my life.

*Have you ever spent all night in prayer?

*Do you make it a habit to go "a little farther" than is normally expected in interceding for others?

*Join with me in developing both our public and private praying, following His example.

Your comments are appreciated and helpful.  Your questions will be addressed and hopefully answered.  Thank you for reading and sharing with your friends and readers.


  1. James, I have really enjoyed walking through Jesus's prayer life with you! I appreciate your words and thought. I learned early in my life, probably in Gradeschool that Jesus himself prayed for me even while he was still on earth and that has stayed with me through my life.. There were times where satan would say... oh... he didn't mean you or why would you think He was praying for you.. that was a long time ago and certainly Jesus was just making a statement.. but I do believe that a peace would come over me when those thought would pop up and I knew without any doubt that Jesus Himself loved me even through the trials I was going through. I can do all things the Christs who gives me strength and to add to that... who prays for me and cares enough to hear my prayers. I am no where near ... oh fall so short .. but if He can stick with me through His Crucifixion I can be assured He is with me now! I pray too that I will take my prayer life more seriously and my time with the Lord privately more serious!!!
    Thank you James!!!
    I love you!!!

  2. Kim, thanks for your comment. BTW, later in this series, one of Jesus' prayers definitely included us. I look forward to sharing thoughts about His special prayers and to your (and others) comments.
