Here, as I promised, are the scriptural references that relate to the study of "The Prayer Life of Jesus." I have listed them in the order of the Gospels in the New Testament, as well as the order of the outline numbers.
Outline # I Outline # II Outline # III
Matt. 11:25 Matt. 6:5 Matt. 26:36-46
Matt. 14:13 Matt. 6:6 Mark 14:32-42
Matt. 14:23 Matt. 6:7 Mark 15:34
Matt. 19:13 Matt. 6:8 Luke 22:41-46
Matt. 26:26 Matt. 6:9 John 17
Matt. 26:39 Matt. 6:14-15 1. vs. 1-5 (to God)
Mark 1:35 Matt. 7:7-12 2. vs. 6-19 (for the 12)
Mark 6:41 Matt. 18:19 3. vs. 20-26 (for all
Mark 6:46 Matt. 21:22 believers)
Mark 8:6-7 Matt. 26:41
Mark 14:22-23 Matt. 26:52-54 For Study in general
Luke 4:42 Matt. 27:46 Luke 18:31-34
Luke 5:16 Mark 9:29
Luke 6:12, 13-16 & Mark 11:24-25
17-49 Luke 9:18
Luke 9:10-11 Luke 9:28-29
Luke 9:16 Luke 11:1-4, 5-13
Luke 9:18 Luke 18:1 (1-18)
Luke 9:28-29 Luke 18-9-14
Luke 11:1 Luke 22:31-32
Luke 22:17 & 19 Luke 22:40
Luke 22:31-32 John 11:4 1-42
Luke 23:33-34 & John 12:27-28
44-46 John 14:13-14
Luke 24:30 (13-35) John 14:16
John 6:11 John 16:23-24
John 12:27-28 John 16:26
As I prepared for this study, my procedure was simple, but detailed. First, I read all the Gospels and listed every reference to prayer from Jesus. Secondly, I placed all the references that related to the same occasion or subject together. Third, the outline itself developed.
With the outline, previously posted, and the scriptural references by outline, I hope that any of you who are interested will find a workable study for personal use and/or small group purposed. A final part of my preparation entailed the listing of the references as they appeared in the Gospels, with a note regarding the out line # and a notation about the scripture itself. This was to remember to what the specific reference pertained.
If any of you wish to have that final listing to complete your materials for your own study, please email me. You will find how to contact me by going to my complete profile. If you wish you may also state your wishes in a comment to the blog.
You have my sincere thanks and prayers for your participation in my feeble attempts to blog about my wonderful Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ.
Outline # I Outline # II Outline # III
Matt. 11:25 Matt. 6:5 Matt. 26:36-46
Matt. 14:13 Matt. 6:6 Mark 14:32-42
Matt. 14:23 Matt. 6:7 Mark 15:34
Matt. 19:13 Matt. 6:8 Luke 22:41-46
Matt. 26:26 Matt. 6:9 John 17
Matt. 26:39 Matt. 6:14-15 1. vs. 1-5 (to God)
Mark 1:35 Matt. 7:7-12 2. vs. 6-19 (for the 12)
Mark 6:41 Matt. 18:19 3. vs. 20-26 (for all
Mark 6:46 Matt. 21:22 believers)
Mark 8:6-7 Matt. 26:41
Mark 14:22-23 Matt. 26:52-54 For Study in general
Luke 4:42 Matt. 27:46 Luke 18:31-34
Luke 5:16 Mark 9:29
Luke 6:12, 13-16 & Mark 11:24-25
17-49 Luke 9:18
Luke 9:10-11 Luke 9:28-29
Luke 9:16 Luke 11:1-4, 5-13
Luke 9:18 Luke 18:1 (1-18)
Luke 9:28-29 Luke 18-9-14
Luke 11:1 Luke 22:31-32
Luke 22:17 & 19 Luke 22:40
Luke 22:31-32 John 11:4 1-42
Luke 23:33-34 & John 12:27-28
44-46 John 14:13-14
Luke 24:30 (13-35) John 14:16
John 6:11 John 16:23-24
John 12:27-28 John 16:26
As I prepared for this study, my procedure was simple, but detailed. First, I read all the Gospels and listed every reference to prayer from Jesus. Secondly, I placed all the references that related to the same occasion or subject together. Third, the outline itself developed.
With the outline, previously posted, and the scriptural references by outline, I hope that any of you who are interested will find a workable study for personal use and/or small group purposed. A final part of my preparation entailed the listing of the references as they appeared in the Gospels, with a note regarding the out line # and a notation about the scripture itself. This was to remember to what the specific reference pertained.
If any of you wish to have that final listing to complete your materials for your own study, please email me. You will find how to contact me by going to my complete profile. If you wish you may also state your wishes in a comment to the blog.
You have my sincere thanks and prayers for your participation in my feeble attempts to blog about my wonderful Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ.